
The subsequently described installation steps are demonstrated as shell commands, where the path before the % sign denotes the directory in which the commands following the % should be entered.

Install Technology-data base#

Clone the repository technology-data

projects % git clone

If you want to use the technology-data with PyPSA-Eur or PyPSA-Eur-Sec the repository should be cloned in a parallel directory.

Environment/package requirements#

We recommend using the package manager and environment management system conda to install python dependencies. Install miniconda, which is a mini version of Anaconda that includes only conda and its dependencies or make sure conda is already installed on your system. For instructions for your operating system follow the conda installation guide.

The python package requirements are created in the environment.yaml file. The environment can be installed and activated using

.../technology-data % conda env create -f environment.yaml

.../technology-data % conda activate technology-data


Note that activation is local to the currently open shell! After opening a new terminal window, one needs to reissue the second command!


If you have troubles with a slow conda installation, we recommend to install mamba as a fast drop-in replacement via

conda install -c conda-forge mamba

and then install the environment with

mamba env create -f environment.yaml

Data requirements#

Currently all required data and the corresponding documentation is part of the github repository and directly cloned.

Getting started#

In config.yaml you can control the settings for your technology data, such as the years, the expectation concerning data uncertainty (None/optimist/pessimist), the rate of inflation, the data source for e.g. solar PV or hydrogen electrolyers and if offshore wind farm grid connection costs should be included.

To generate the technology data with your settings run:

projects/technology-data % snakemake -j1